GU19210740 - MOTO GUZZI

Transmission shaft Z=14
Certified Genuine MOTO GUZZI Parts
Transmission shaft Z=14
For the price and availability of this part


The spare transmission shaft z=14 part number GU19210740 is a genuine MOTO GUZZI part which means it is exactly the same as the one mounted at the factory when the vehicle was new
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Original part number MOTO GUZZI
Part Diagram Vehicle information Country Part diagram
NTX NTX 650 1987 Clutch
NTX NTX 650 1988 Clutch
NTX NTX 650 1989 Clutch
NTX NTX 650 1990 Clutch
V 35 C - V 50 C V35 350 1982 Clutch
V 35 C - V 50 C V35 350 1983 Clutch
V 35 C - V 50 C V35 350 1984 Clutch
V 35 C - V 50 C V35 350 1985 Clutch
V 35 C - V 50 C V35 350 1986 Clutch
V 50 III V50 500 1980 Clutch
V 50 III V50 500 1981 Clutch
V 50 III V50 500 1982 Clutch
V 50 III V50 500 1983 Clutch
V 50 III V50 500 1984 Clutch
V 50 III Pol./PA VechioTipo V50 500 1982 Clutch
V 50 III Pol./PA VechioTipo V50 500 1983 Clutch
V 50 III Pol./PA VechioTipo V50 500 1984 Clutch
V 50 III Pol./PA VechioTipo V50 500 1985 Clutch
V 50 III Pol./PA VechioTipo V50 500 1986 Clutch
V 50 III Pol./PA VechioTipo V50 500 1987 Clutch
V 50 III Pol./PA VechioTipo V50 500 1988 Clutch
V 50 III Pol./PA VechioTipo V50 500 1989 Clutch
V 50 III Pol./PA VechioTipo V50 500 1990 Clutch