GU30062241 - MOTO GUZZI

Vis bielle
Certified Genuine MOTO GUZZI Parts
Vis bielle
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The spare vis bielle part number GU30062241 is a genuine MOTO GUZZI part which means it is exactly the same as the one mounted at the factory when the vehicle was new
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Original part number MOTO GUZZI
Part Diagram Vehicle information Country Part diagram
Daytona Racing DAYTONA 1000 1996 Drive shaft
Daytona RS DAYTONA 1000 1997 Drive shaft
Daytona RS DAYTONA 1000 1998 Drive shaft
V 10 Centauro V10 1000 1997 Drive shaft
V 10 Centauro V10 1000 1998 Drive shaft
V 10 Centauro V10 1000 1999 Drive shaft
Sport Corsa 1100 SPORT 1100 1998 Asia pacificeurope middle east africa CRANKSHAFT
Sport Corsa 1100 SPORT 1100 1999 Asia pacificeurope middle east africa CRANKSHAFT